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Mental Health & Wellness

Feel stressed, lost, confused, depressed, or anxious? And is this affecting your personal/sex life or career? You are not alone!

Did you know more than 90 million Indians suffer from some sort of mental health issue according to the World Health Organization(WHO)?


It is time to end your suffering in silence. Now, inticure is here. Our medical doctors, licensed therapists, psychologists, and psychotherapists are non-judgemental, warm, and sensitive to your worries. 


At inticure, we don’t just treat your symptoms. Our medical experts will identify the root cause(s) of your issues and formulate your treatment. Our holistic approach may involve consultations with multi-disciplinary specialists, prescription and non-prescription medications, counseling, therapy, and much more. Rest assured, no matter what issues you are facing, our world-class doctors and licensed experts will take you from oh no, to OH YES!


If you are experiencing one or more of the below symptoms or concerns,start your journey with us

*Our ‘Suggested Specialists’ is just a guide and does not mean that your issue will always or only require intervention from the suggested specialists. After your assessments and consultations, our doctors will recommend the appropriate specialists.

Inability to get and keep an erection long enough for sexual intercourse



Urologist, Psychiatrist, Sexologist, Lifestyle Specialist, Sleep Specialist, Clinical Dietician

Feeling anxious or stressed about sex and it is affecting my sex life 





Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Sexologist (M)

Concerns about Abortion or Contraception







Gynecologist, Psychologist

Inability to fall asleep or stay asleep long enough






Sleep Specialist, Lifestyle Specialist, Psychologist

Not attracted to my partner or sexually unsatisfied with my partner





Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Sexologist (M)

General lack of self-confidence










Feeling stressed, anxious, lost, confused or depressed




Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Lifestyle Specialist, Sleep Specialist

Addicted to porn or alcohol or smoking or other drugs







Psychiatrist, Lifestyle Specialist, Psychologist

Confused about my sexual orientation








Psychiatrist, Psychologist

Want someone to talk to and listen to me







Psychologist, Psychiatrist


Concerns about Abortion or Contraception







Gynecologist, Psychologist

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